In Year 2, we expect the children to be:
If you have any issues regarding homework, please do not hesitate to contact us via email on alice.niblock@fairway.stockport.sch.uk or alison.eyre@fairway.stockport.sch.uk |
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READING To support progress in Reading and Writing, we ask that you read with your child daily. This daily reading could include them reading aloud to you, you sharing a story with them, reading with a sibling or listening to an audio book. We do ask that they read the books given to them by their class teachers, but that doesn't mean that they can't share trickier books with adults or read different texts (newspapers, recipes, instructions for games etc.). |
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SPELLING Each week, your child will be taught a new spelling rule that they will then be able to practise and apply to their learning. Each Thursday or Friday, the children will have a spelling test. The tests will be marked and then returned to grown-ups to see.
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MATHS Your Maths homework is learning key facts that will help in lots of Maths lessons. This is done through using the following sites to practice key facts. You can log on to Numbots by following this link: We expect you to practice the 2x 5x and 10x times tables using the same Numbots login for Times Table Rockstars as well. You can log on to Times Tables Rockstars by following this link: https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth There are further opportunities for practising times tables. Click on the link below to find these: |