Spring Term brings a whole new learning experience in Year Three! Not only do we build on what we have already learned in Autumn Term, but we discover many more wild and wonderful things!
In English, we are going to take a journey with Neil Gaiman to discover what crazy adventure dad had on his way to buy some milk! We delve into the animal world with Kieran Larwood and go on an adventure with Podkin One-Ear and see if he can avoid the Gorm and keep his siblings safe from harm! Finally, we explore the classic Ted Hughes tale of the Iron Man - but is he a good or a bad character - you must decide!
In Geography, we continue our investigations into other places by exploring the Alps! We investigate maps and the location of Chamonix before investigating the flora and fauna of the area and analysing the human impact of tourism on this beautiful locality - can we let people know what is happening there and ways to change our impact before it is too late?!
Excitingly, we begin our Design Technology studies this half term! Firstly, we try to impress the management team at Hallmark Cards by creating some amazing, high equality celebration cards with moving parts! Before trying our Food Technology skills out by designing and creating some fabulous healthy flatbread recipe ideas for our wonderful kitchen staff - Mrs Carol and Mrs Stacey!