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In maths, we begin the term performing the four operations with decimals. In year six, we read, write and partition decimals to 3 decimal places. We move onto finding fraction, decimal and percentage equivalents, including finding fractions and percentages of amounts. Following this, we will be learning to multiply fractions by integers and by other fractions and divide fractions by integers.

During this term, year six learn about ratio, scale drawings and scale factors. We solve problems with ratio, proportion and in the context of recipes. This is followed by algebra where we learn how to make substitutions and solve one and 2 step equations. A small unit on statistics: graphs, bar charts and pie charts and we learn how to calculate an average using the mean.



In year six we engage with a number of high-quality texts to support our reading and writing development. In this term we begin writing narrative and setting descriptions in response to Maz Evans' Who Let the Gods Out? This is followed by flashback narrative writing in response to Gill Lewis' A Story Like the Wind. We finish the term with formal letter and adventure narrative writing based on Lindsay Galvin's Darwin's Dragons. 

Reading lessons focus on the main reading domains of word meaning; retrieval of information; making inferences about characters' thoughts and feelings; summarising and predicting. We use the above texts during our reading lessons plus a wide range of challenging texts from a range of genres and authors.


In science, we build on previous learning about animals, including humans, learning how to classify animals to certain criteria, including micro-organisms. We will learn about the work of Carl Linnaeus. This is followed by a unit of work on Evolution and Inheritance. During this unit, we will learn about inherited characteristics, familial similarities and how animals have adapted over many years to their habitat. We will look at the work of Charles Darwin and Mary Anning, learn about the Galapagos finches and the remarkable adaptation of the peppered moth during the industrial revolution.